justifying systems and applications monitoring

Justifying Systems and Applications Monitoring

Systems and applications monitoring investments are operational expenditures (OPEX) and a difficult business proposition to justify against measures such as ROI. However, when the applications are at the center of the business and high availability is a key requirement, one has to consider their options. If the question is how to avoid server downtime – then monitoring is the obvious answer. Decking out your servers with the biggest, fastest and latest in technology is of limited value when you’re blind to the daily utilization of these resources and unaware of application bugs. Many serious problems can be avoided with intelligent systems and applications monitoring.
Systems and Applications Monitoring
Then the question becomes one about how to put a systems and applications monitoring solution in place and who will be managing it. The cost of an in-house solution might be prohibitive when considering what it takes to maintain the entire organism as it evolves.

Systems and applications monitoring : the approach of Syloé

At Syloé we like to recommend our customers to consider the service approach – having an experienced third party monitor your systems/applications allows you to focus on your core business and to fix these operational expenses to a predictable monthly amount. With the proper SLAs in place, your systems and applications monitoring partner will fix problems as they arrive, warn you in advance of potential upcoming resource issues and provide you with graphics of application performance to provide insight of the evolution over time.
Especially where more than 80% of your applications run on open-source and Linux-based systems, it might prove difficult to develop and contain the required system administrator skills inside the organization. The bottom line is that you can sleep better at night knowing your critical applications are taken care of by professionals.
Do you want to know more about IT outsourcing ? CorpcomputerServices point out pros and cons of outsourcing.
Not convinced by monitoring your servers ? Here are some arguments to monitor your servers statuts from GIF TechTalk.

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